№ 1 (13) 2017


Natalia M. Aminina, Olga N. Guruleva, Tatiana I. Vishnevskaya
Perspectives of using of brown alga Cystoseira crassipes (Turner) C.Agardh from Aniva Bay

Aminina N.M., Guruleva O.N., Vishnevskaya T.I. Perspectives of using of brown alga Cystoseira crassipes (Turner) C.Agardh from Aniva Bay // Вопросы современной альгологии (Issues of modern algology). 2017. № 1 (13). URL: http://algology.ru/1139


Galina A. Antsiferova, Nadezhda I. Rusova
Changes of stucture of microcommunities as a criterion of stability of natural aquatic ecosystems

Antsiferova G.A., Rusova N.I.  Changes of stucture of microcommunities as a criterion of stability of natural aquatic ecosystems  // Вопросы современной альгологии (Issues of modern algology). 2017. № 1 (13). URL: http://algology.ru/1095


Anna L. Avsiyan, Rudolf P. Trenkenshu
Influence of illumination on productivity and specific maintenance rate of Arthrospira platensis Gomont

Avsiyan A.L., Trenkenshu R.P. Influence of illumination on productivity and specific maintenance rate of Arthrospira platensis Gomont // Вопросы современной альгологии (Issues of modern algology). 2017. № 1 (13). URL: http://algology.ru/1107


Olena P. Bilous, Sophia S. Barinova
The role of diatoms for the assessment of climatic influence to aquatic communities

Bilous O.P., Barinova S.S. On the principles of creating a database on algal indication in Ukraine // Вопросы современной альгологии (Issues of modern algology). 2017. № 1 (13). URL:  http://algology.ru/1086


Аndrey B. Borovkov, Irina N. Gudvilovich
The testing of two-stage system of semi-industrial cultivation of Dunaliella salina Teod.

Borovkov А.B., Gudvilovich I.N.  The testing of two-stage system of semi-industrial cultivation of Dunaliella salina Teod. // Вопросы современной альгологии (Issues of modern algology). 2017. № 1 (13). URL:  http://algology.ru/1155


Irina K. Evstigneeva, Irina N.Tankovskaya
Species’ composition, ecological structure and quantitative characteristics of the Gollandiya bay macroalgae (Black Sea)

Evstigneeva I.K., Tankovskaya I.N. Species’ composition, ecological structure and quantitative characteristics of the Gollandiya bay macroalgae (Black Sea) // Вопросы современной альгологии (Issues of modern algology). 2017. № 1 (13). URL: http://algology.ru/1127


Svetlana Yu. Gorbunova
Growth and bioremediation characteristics of water hyacinth culture Eichornia crassipes (Martius)

Gorbunova S.Yu. Growth and bioremediation characteristics of water hyacinth culture Eichornia crassipes (Martius) // Вопросы современной альгологии (Issues of modern algology). 2017. № 1 (13). URL: http://algology.ru/1157


Svetlana Yu. Gorbunova, Yana D. Zhondareva
Mixotrophic food as an example of environmentally friendly technology for the cultivation of cyanobacteria Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis (Nordst) Geitler

Gorbunova S.Yu., Zhondareva Ya.D. Mixotrophic food as an example of environmentally friendly technology for the cultivation of cyanobacteria Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis (Nordst) Geitler // Вопросы современной альгологии (Issues of modern algology). 2017. № 1 (13). URL: http://algology.ru/1176


Valentina I. Ipatova
The impact of population size of the test object Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turpin) Bréb. on the results of bioassay

Ipatova V.I. The impact of population size of the test object Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turpin) Bréb. on the results of bioassay // Вопросы современной альгологии (Issues of modern algology). 2017. № 1 (13). URL: http://www.algology.ru/1153


Irina A. Kharchuk
Assessment of viability of three species of microalgae after low-temperature exploration with cryoprotectors

Kharchuk I.A. Assessment of viability of three species of microalgae after low-temperature exploration with cryoprotectors // Вопросы современной альгологии (Issues of modern algology). 2017. № 1 (13). URL: http://algology.ru/1133


Alex P. Kuklin
Geochemical conditions of the landscape as a factor of formation of the species of macroscopic algae in small rivers of the Baikal and Amur basins

Kuklin A.P. Geochemical conditions of the landscape as a factor of formation of the species of macroscopic algae in small rivers of the Baikal and Amur basins // Вопросы современной альгологии (Issues of modern algology). 2017. № 1 (13). URL: http://www.algology.ru/1099


Alexander S. Lelekov, Ruslan G. Gevorgiz
Modeling the dynamics of growth of Arthrospira (Spirulina)  platensis and pH in a carbon closed system

Modeling the dynamics of growth of Arthrospira (Spirulina)  platensis and pH in a carbon closed system // Вопросы современной альгологии (Issues of modern algology). 2017. № 1 (13). URL: http://algology.ru/1113


































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