IMBER Open Science Conference (Bergen, Норвегия)
23-24 июня 2014 г.


The Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (IMBER) project
is an interdisciplinary global environmental change research initiative
that is focused on understanding the sensitivity of marine
biogeochemical cycles and ecosystems to global change and predicting
ocean responses to global change and the effects on the Earth System and
human society.
The IMBER Open
Science Conference will provide a synthesis of a range of topics related
to marine biogeochemistry and ecosystem research and the human
dimension of global marine change.
IMBER Scientific Steering Committee invites you to participate in the
Open Science Conference to learn about current research, present new
research findings, share your knowledge, and develop a framework for
future marine research directions and collaborations.
Важные даты:
- Abstract submission: 31 января 2014
- Registration (standard fee): Март 2014