Certain articles which have been published in English in the magazine

Acidification, stoichiometry, and dinoflagellates: more questions than answers
Vladimir A. Silkin - The Southern Branch of the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS (Gelendzhik, Russia) - To predict the structural rearrangements of ecosystems under climate change and a ocean acidification, fundamental knowledges of the effect of elevated temperatures and CO2 concentration on the dominants of the phytoplankton are needed. The accumulated experimental data concern, first of all, the study of the diatom complex. Dinoflagellates - the second most important group of phytoplankton, however, it is given much less attention, which is due, first of all, to the difficulties of cultivation. In this work, we analyze those rare works on the effect of elevated carbon dioxide concentrations, the limitation of food elements on the physiological and biochemical indices of dinoflagellates. The accumulated material shows that the reaction of dinoflagellate to a change in these factors does not differ significantly from the reaction of representatives of other systematic groups
№ 2 (14), 2017

Zygospores of desmids (Desmidiales, Conjugatophyceae) in the Filinskoe bog, Moscow region (Russia)
Olga V. Anissimova, Elizaveta F. Terlova - Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia) - Several samples of periphyton from the Filinskoe bog appeared to be characterized by a high level of the sexual reproducing stages of desmids. The zygospores of eight desmids taxa (Bambusina borreri, Closterium acutum, C. cynthia, C. incurvum, Hyalotheca dissiliens, Micrasterias rotata, Penium spirostriolatum, Staurodesmus extensus var. rectus) are described using light and scanning electronic microscopes
№ 2 (12), 2016

The Guide to marine Ulva algae species found in the European part of Russia
Dmitry F. Afanasyev, Alexander N. Kamnev, Ekaterina G. Sushkova, Sophie Steinhagen - Azov Fisheries Research Institute (Rostov-on-Don, Russia); Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia); Lomonosov Moscow State University, (Moscow, Russia); GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung (Kiel, Germany) - The guide contains description of the species of green algae genus Ulva, found in the European seas of Russia. The key of macroalgae is given. The field guide includes micro- and macro photographs for visual determination of algae
№ 2 (12), 2016

Phytoperiphyton and environmental variables in the rivers of the Kola Peninsula, Russian Arctic North
Dmitry B. Denisov, Sophia S. Barinova - INEP KSC RAS (Apatity, Murmansk region, Russia); University of Haifa (Haifa, Israel) - Altogether 149 species and infraspecies of algae and cyanobacteria from 7 taxonomic divisions has been revealed in 53 samples of periphyton collected in 2007-2010 from 12 rivers placed in different regions of the Kola Peninsula and adjusted territories of Russian Arctic. Environmental variables are also given.
№ 1 (11), 2016

Are there conservative morphological characters in the raphid diatoms (Bacillariophyceae)? Examples of homoplasy and Mereschkowsky’s Pyrenophoreae revisited
John P. Kociolek , Saraha E. Hamsher, Joshua G. Stepanek, Evan W. Thomas - Museum of Natural History and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado, (Boulder, USA) - Different approaches used in the classification of the raphid diatoms are described. Diagnostic features and species composition of the Pyrenophoreae group, described by Mereshkowsky, are discussed
№ 3 (10), 2015

The diatom genus Oricymba in Vietnam and Laos with a consideration of its systematic placement
Maxim S. Kulikovskiy, Anton M. Glushchenko, John P. Kociolek - Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters of RAS (Borok, Russia); Tsiolkovsky Kaluga State University (Kaluga, Russia); Museum of Natural History and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado (Boulder, USA) - Species of the genus Oricymba were studied from water ecosystems of Vietnam and Laos. Our results provide a new data on the morphology and distribution of species from the genus Oricymba in Indo-china. The systematic position of this genus is discussed
№ 3 (10), 2015

Diatom responses to marine isotopic stage 11-9 environments on Kurile Islands, Northwestern Pacific
Vladimir S. Pushkar, Marina V. Cherepanova - Far East Geological Institute, FEB of RAS (Vladivostok, Russia); Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Russia); Institute of Biology and Soil Science, FEB of RAS (Vladivostok, Russia) - The middle Pleistocene paleoclimatic fluctuations and sea-level changes were recorded in the deposits of upper units of the Golovnin Formation, Kunashiri Island (Kurile Arc System). The sea-level was raised to 20–25 m above modern sea level (a.m.s.l.) in the first transgressive phase time (11 Marine Isotopic Stage - MIS), and to 5 m a.m.s.l. in the second transgressive phase time (9 MIS). The differences in paleoenvironment between 11 and 9 MIS allows us to suppose that a warm climate and a high sea-level position during extraordinarily long interglacial period MIS 11 in the Earth's history were not forced only by Earth’s orbital changes and solar insolation. The middle Pleistocene paleoclimatic fluctuations and sea-level changes were recorded in the deposits of upper units of the Golovnin Formation, Kunashiri Island (Kurile Arc System). The sea-level was raised to 20–25 m above modern sea level (a.m.s.l.) in the first transgressive phase time (11 Marine Isotopic Stage - MIS), and to 5 m a.m.s.l. in the second transgressive phase time (9 MIS). The differences in paleoenvironment between 11 and 9 MIS allows us to suppose that a warm climate and a high sea-level position during extraordinarily long interglacial period MIS 11 in the Earth's history were not forced only by Earth’s orbital changes and solar insolation
№ 3 (10), 2015

Algal diversity and ecological variables in the Arctic lakes of the Kola Peninsula, Russian North
Dmitry B. Denisov, Sophia S. Barinova - INEP KSC RAS (Apatity, Murmansk region, Russia); University of Haifa (Haifa, Israel) - Altogether 348 species and infraspecific taxa of algae and cyanobacteria from 7 taxonomic divisions has been revealed in 166 samples of phytoplankton and 82 samples of periphyton collected in 2007-2010 from 48 lakes placed in different regions of the Kola Peninsula Arctic lakes. Environmental variables are also given
№ 2 (9), 2015

Dynamics, causes of degradation and the prognosis of restoration Zernov Phyllophora field (the Black Sea)
Nataliya A. Milchakova, Nataliyia V. Mironova and Vladimir V. Alexandrov - Kovalevsky Institute of Marine Biological Research of RAS (Sevastopol, Russia) - The current status and causes of degradation of the Zernov Phyllophora Field (ZPF) over the last century are analyzed. The Phyllophora spp. population state is described, and the necessity of the conservation management plan of and restoration of ZPF as the largest Black Sea MPA are discussed.
№ 2 (4), 2013



















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