The volume of articles is no more than 15 pages (short messages no more than 3 pages, reviews no more than 25 pages) of A4 format, including illustrative material, in the file format MS Word 95/97/2000/XP/2003/2007/2010 (without styles and macros). Font Times New Roman, size 12, single-spaced, no hyphenation. Page parameters: A4 format, all margins – 2 cm.

The title of the article is given in English in 14-point size with center alignment. (The name cannot exceed 240 characters with spaces).

The names of the authors (with emphasis, 14-point size) and indications of an educational or scientific institution, faculty, department are given with center alignment. Surnames and names are given in Latin transcription.

The article is preceded by an annotation and keywords in English The abstract may include from 80 to 200 words.

For the article the thematic heading according to UDC and the thematic section of the journal  should be indicated.

References in the text of the article are given with the indication of the author's surname or the initial word of the description of the source given in the list of references, as well as the year of publication of the source in parentheses. If the article has two authors, both authors are indicated in the footnote, if more than two – the first author and the abbreviation “etc.” When listing several sources, the works are arranged in chronological order, i.e. first, earlier sources are cited and then in order (if one year of publication - then in alphabetical order).

The list of references is given in 10-point size after the text part in alphabetical order with numbering, drawn up according to the standards (see below). If the publication has several authors, it is not allowed to write “etc.” (“et al.”) – complete list of authors is required. For Internet documents, it is necessary to indicate not only the email address, but also the name of the article or site, as well as the date of access to the resource.




Evstigneeva I.K, Tankovskaya I.N. Structure and dynamics of macrophyte fouling of a hydraulic structure (Black Sea). Power Technology and Engineering. 2019. V.53, is.1. P. 14–22. DOI:


Anderson M.J., Gorley A.M., Clarke K.R. Guide to Software and Statistical Methods. PRIMER-E, Plymouth, 2008. 214 p.


Guiry M.D., Guiry G.M. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. (Searched on 20.11.2019).


In the list of references for your own publications, it is advisable to provide the URL of the Internet resource where readers can view the publication (if there is a corresponding Internet resource). In this case, the bibliography item will be formatted as an external Internet link. Providing Internet links to other publications from the bibliography is encouraged.

Drawings and photos - black and white or color in *.jpg format (640x480). Explanations in the margins of the figure should be reduced as much as possible, translating them into captions to figures.

Figures are inserted into the text of the article only with the use of the Position “In the text” (without using the Regulation “Wrap text”). Figures should allow movement in the text and the ability to resize. Vector drawings – only if necessary, in agreement with the editors of the journal. Figures, tables and graphs are provided in the text of the article or after it, and also each must be in the form of a separate file (pictures – in *.jpg format; tables, graphs, diagrams - in *.doc format; file name – “surname_risNN” or “surname_tabNN”.

The use of tables with invisible borders is not allowed. Decimal fractions are separated from the whole number by commas, not periods (for example, 29.5, not 29.5).

All diagrams, tables, scheme, pictures or photos must be signed and numbered.

The name of the article file is the author's surname.doc.

At the end of the article, after the list of references on a separate page, you must indicate the following information about the author or authors: Surname, Name, Patronymic of all authors in full, full name of the organization - place of work of each author, country, city, division / department; scientific degree, title, position; postal address and telephone number for contacts with the authors of the article (one can be used for all authors), personal e-mail for each author.

Since 2019, a mandatory international requirement is to add information about each author with a link to the personal Orcid ID profile in the format (for more information on registration in the ORCID system, see /)

Conflict of interest (mandatory section). The article should indicate a real or potential conflict of interest. If there is no conflict of interest, then it should be written that "the author declares that there is no conflict of interest requiring disclosure in this article."

Financing of work (optional). Information about grants and any other financial support for research. Information is given at the end of the article in italics.

Acknowledgments (optional section). This section contains messages about useful discussions and discussions, thanks to colleagues and reviewers (in special cases); messages on the provision of materials, data, computer support, devices for temporary use; information on conducting research in collective centers; assistance in the technical preparation of the text, including editors (in special cases), as well as anything else that is appreciated as useful assistance, but is not sufficient to be considered a contribution to the authorship of the work.



















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Эл N ФС 77-22222 от 01 ноября 2005г.

ISSN 2311-0147